In Season: How to help members
Tip: How to help patrons complete the online application
Overview We hope that patrons never have trouble submitting an online application. If a patron contacts you that does, AGS software has a few tools and other recommendations to respond to these instances. Tips, Tools, and Recommendations Ask the ...
How to RE-PROCESS an application
Overview Processing an application a second time is helpful in several situations, including: Part of the original applicants were approved, and now you want to approve the others Applicants were deleted from the database and you want to reinstate ...
Tip: How to mail passes to a different address?
Overview When you are approving an application, you may see a note that reads "Please mail passes to PO Box 1234". The resident lives at a different address (e.g. 123 Main St). If you allow this, follow these steps: Edit the application. Change the ...
How to ADD a patron to an application
Overview There are times when you will need to add a patron to an application. Unfortunately, you can't add a patron to the existing application. You can add the patron to the household directly in the database. Adding a Member to your database The ...
Tip: Change the Membership ID
Overview When creating a new membership, the software will default to setting the new Membership ID. In many cases this may be the first line of the address or phone number. If blank, you must add a Membership ID. How to change the Membership ID when ...
Tip: Use the OPEN IN POOLPASS button.
Overview After an application has been processed, there is a quick link to open the membership. This is useful when providing patron support. Here is how 1. Find the application and click the eye icon to view the application 2. Click OPEN IN POOLPASS ...
How to FIX a picture
Overview There may be times when an applicant does not upload a picture that meets your community guidelines. You can edit the picture or upload a new picture. You can do this while you are processing an application or providing patron support. Edit ...
How to EDIT a pool application
Overview There are times a processor will need to edit a pool application or "fix" a pool application. For example, the application had the wrong address. You may also edit other information, upload a new picture, correct a typo, change a DOB, etc. ...
How to RE-MAIL a set of physical pool passes
Overview We use the United States Postal Service to deliver swimming pool passes. Generally, passes arrive within a few days of being approved. If passes are not delivered within ten (10) days of the request, our company will provide the household ...
How to VIEW when a pass was printed and mailed
Overview Some clients request AGS to print and mail classic pool passes directly to a patron home. Passes are added to our print que when the application has been PROCCESED and APPROVED. Held, declined, claimed, created, and submitted applications ...
How to FLAG or ESCALATE an application
Overview Flagging sends an email alert to your community's administrator or Access Granted Systems (AGS). How to flag or escalate an Application Click the gear icon Click Flag to Community or Escalate to AGS Why would you Flag to Community? Some ...