In Season: How to approve applications
Tip: Use last year's profile image
Overview There may be times when an applicant does not upload a valid picture or this year's picture is not as good as last year's picture. By default, the system will use the new picture. Here is how to keep and use last year's picture. Uncheck Use ...
Tip: How to delete an application
Overview You can not delete an application. Instead, we recommend that you Decline the application if you want to ignore it. It will be taken off your “to do” list but remain in the records for future reference. Tip: uncheck the “Email Member” and a ...
How to issue a REFUND
Overview If a member submitted a payment on an application, a facility manager can issue a full refund or partial refund. How to issue a Refund 1. Claim or view the application by clicking the clipboard or eye icon. 2. Click the gear icon. 3. Click ...
Tip: How to process an application for an EXISTING membership
Overview If a membership exists, when you process the application, you can match the application to the existing membership. This is the way you want to process applications if: An existing address list was uploaded You kept last year's membership ...
How to PROCESS a paper application
Overview Organizations may allow their members to submit a paper application rather than the online application. In this case, you do not use the application portal to process the paper application. We recommend you add the members directly into the ...
FAQ: What is the CREATED status?
Overview CREATED applications are partially completed applications and are not ready for processing. It may be an application where a payment was attempted but failed. It may be an application submitted a few seconds ago and the payment has not been ...
How to SEARCH for an application
Overview There are several ways to find an application you are looking for. You will search for applications differently depending on your goals. In this article, we will: Summarize the 4 ways to search Application Discuss the Advanced Search in more ...
How to PROCESS an application
Overview Organizations that utilize our software process applications differently. We can't write one help article here that tells you exactly how to process your unique community. Instead, we write custom instructions within the portal itself. In ...
How to VIEW application notes and journal
Overview Anytime an application's status changes or note is added to an application, a Journal Entry is created. This helps users trouble shoot applications and provide patron support. How to view the Journal Click the arrow to the left of the ...
How to WRITE an internal note
Overview Organizations may need to make internal notes without changing the status of an application. Click the gear icon Click Comment
FAQ: What is the CLAIMED status?
Overview Organizations may have more than one user processing applications. The claimed status is to prevent more than one user processing the same application and causing errors and confusion. The first step in processing an application is always to ...
How to DECLINE or HOLD an application
Overview To help organize your application submissions, there are several states or status an application can have. An application starts as SUBMITTED. You can put an application ON HOLD or DECLINE an application. If you process and approve an ...