What is Access Granted System's support policy?

What is Access Granted System's support policy?


Access Granted Systems (AGS) provides free unlimited support for administrators, property managers, board members, or your staff.  Your success is our goal.  

Patron Support is only available for Full Service Application Portal clients.   

When patron support is not included, AGS is happy to support your staff in assisting your patrons.    

What are AGS's patron support limitations?  

NoticeAdministrators are given AGS's staff personal emails.  Administrators that do not secure AGS staff's personal email are in violation of Access Granted System's terms and conditions

Community staff should not...
  1. Distribute AGS staff's personal email to a patron.
  2. Post AGS staff's personal email online.    
  3. Email a patron and cc AGS staff.
  4. Email AGS staff and cc a patron.
  5. Ask AGS to call or "reach out" directly to a patron.
How can patrons contact AGS?

Patrons have two (2) ways to contact AGS.  
  1. Through our websites or software interface. (preferred)
  2. Email Access Granted Systems here: help@accessgrantedsystems.com

How can administrators, property managers, or board members ask for help?

Organizations have four (4) ways to receive support. 
  1. Through our Software Interface.  Issue refunds, re-mail passes, open a support ticket, escalate an application, etc.    
  2. Email your dedicated account representative.  Their the best person to answer a quick question.  
  3. Search our Support Document Library.
  4. Schedule a live support session via Zoom.  
Our company does not have a help line, does not offer 24/7 support, and does not offer help on demand.  Live support must be scheduled 24 hours in advance.  Live support sessions are designed to teach clients how to use the software, train staff, and provide patron support. 

Does AGS provide support for office assistants, facility staff, or lifeguards?

Other staff is welcome to join while we teach new administrators.  However, it is not designed to re-train staff if there is turnover.  During support sessions, we teach administrators how to train staff, customize instructions, and find the resources they need.  If you are a new to AGS, don't hesitate to reach out.