How and Why to Enable or Disable Tickets

How and Why to Enable or Disable Tickets

Tickets can be Enabled or Disabled.   In this article, you will learn:
  1. What is a Ticket?
  2. Why would I Disable Tickets?
  3. Find the Marketplace Settings to Enable or Disable Tickets
What is a Ticket? 
When a patron makes a purchase in the Marketplace, you may want them to have a ticket.  The ticket is given to them when they buy the items (or add funds) online.  They also get an email with their ticket.  Typically, patrons use the ticket to redeem their purchase or use funds. 

Why would I Disable Tickets? 
There is one very common example for disabling tickets.  If you are selling Virtual Guest Passes only, you should disable tickets.  Virtual Guest Passes go straight to their account and don't need a ticket.  There are other cases where you may disable tickets when they are not needed. 

How do Enable/Disable in the Settings 

  1. Click on the MENU
  2. Click Manage MARKETPLACE
  3. Click on the SETTINGS tab
  4. Check or uncheck Enable Tickets as appropriate