How to add a family & patron

How to add a family & patron


Individuals and families are managed in the Manage tab.  The Manage screen is split into two.  The left side is the Membership section, where the household’s information is located. On the right side, the Member section has the individual patrons who live in the household.

This article will explain:
  1. How to add a membership and members
  2. What the Membership ID is
  3. How members are grouped in households
How to add a membership and member

  1. Click Manage
  2. Click the the yellow + to add  a new membership (household)
  3. Click the the yellow + to add  a new member (patron)

What is the Membership ID?
The membership ID is the unique identifier of the household.  Most communities use the street address for the Membership ID.  Some swim clubs use an account number or bond number.  You can even use a random or incrementing number.  The membership ID must be unique for each household.  When two patrons have the same membership ID, they are grouped together.  We do not recommend using the name as the Membership ID. 

How are members grouped together in the same membership?
The MEMBERSHIP ID is what is used to group members (patrons) together in the same membership (household).  In the below example, Frank & Steven are grouped together into the same household (10002).