How to add a generic user

How to add a generic user


Some communities create one log in all their staff uses access the software.  This way, the entire lifeguard staff can share a log in.  They do not need to log out and log back in every 15 minutes every time they rotate lifeguard stations.  

Here is how

Part 1: Create a new user.  
1.  Click Manage Users
2.  Click yellow Plus button
3.  Add the name and email.  Use a dummy email (
4.  Select the role
5.  Click the yellow plus to add the site's database(s)
6.  Click Add User

Part 2: Change the password.  

7.  Click the pencil icon.
8.  Click change password
9.  Write down the temporary password.  (ks3NHm5z)  You'll need it in a few seconds.  Click OK.

10. Logout and then log back in using the dummy email and the temporary password.
You will be asked to create a new password.  This is the password your generic user will use to sign in. 
Click Change Password.
11. In this example, we have created a generic user with this log in email and password:

Keep you login and passwords secure

Since multiple staff members use the same login and password, change your password often.  If there is staff turnover, change the password.