How to add a user

How to add a user

This article will show account administrators how to:
  1. Add a new user
  2. Add a generic user
  3. Manage user access, passwords, and security level

How to add a new user

1.  Click Manage Users
2.  Click yellow Plus button

3.  Add the name and email
4.  Select the role
5.  Click the yellow plus to add the site's database(s)
6.  Click Add User

When you create a new user, they receive an email to select a password and finish to complete their account set up.
This includes selecting a password.  Once they complete this step, they can now login with this email and password.


How to add a generic user

1-6.  Follow the above six steps to add a new user.  Use a dummy email (
7.  Click the pencil icon.
8.  Click change password
9.  Write down the temporary password.  (ks3NHm5z)  You'll need it in a few seconds.  Click OK.

10. Logout and then log back in using the dummy email and the temporary password.
You will be asked to create a new password.  This is the password your generic user will use to sign in. 
Click Change Password.

11. In this example, we have created a generic user with this log in email and password:
Password: PickYourOwn123$    

How to manage users access, security, and passwords

  • Click the Pencil icon to manage other user features:
    • Edit User details
    • Change their permissions
    • Change the database users have access to
    • Change Password
    • Reset Password
    • Expire Password
    • Delete User