How to add AVALIBILITY or BLOCK dates & times

How to add AVALIBILITY or BLOCK dates & times


You may adjust the availability of a service or resource from its normal hours.  For example, if you facility is open longer on July 4th, you can add time to your services on July 4th.  If you don't allow pavilion rentals on Memorial Day or Labor Day, you can block these days to prevent bookings.    

Here is how

1.  On the calendar page, click the Green Plus Icon.
2.  Select Block or Availability.
3.  Click Create.
4.  Write a name, note, and pick a color for record keeping purposes.  
5.  Adjust the dates and times.
6.  Select the effected resources and services.
7.  Click Add.

Tip: Add a recurrence

If you need to add or block availability at regular intervals, add a recurrence.  Examples include a lunch break or routine cleaning.

How do I check to ensure I've added my Availability or Block correctly?

On the calendar page, availability and blocks can be viewed on the Week, Day or Timeline views.  

Why can't I add availability to a resource?

Resources are always available 24/7, 365 days a year unless they are already booked by a service.  Adding availability to a service will in turn, add availability to it's linked resources.