How to DESIGN your ePass

How to DESIGN your ePass


Most ePasses are designed with the help of AGS.  Ask your Account Representative if you need help.  You can also design and edit your community's ePass.  In this article we will:
  1. Find the ePass designer
  2. Explain the design features
  3. Add Fixed Text
  4. Explain ePass expiration
  5. Show how to add a field that displays the year the ePass was issued
  6. Explain why the name may be cut off in the upper right corner

Find the ePass designer

1) Click the menu icon to enter the pass portal

2) Click the menu icon to view your communities
3) Select your community

How to Design your ePass

As you edit the design, a preview will appear.  Here is an explanation of each design feature area:
  1. Primary Field Presets
    1. Turn on or off preset fields and set ePass colors
  2. Secondary Fields
    1. The next sections are customized by you
    2. Field Label is a fixed text that you edit
    3. In Data Type, select the data that will be extracted from the Membership information in the database
  3. Auxiliary Fields work the same as Secondary
  4. Back Field appear differently on each eWallet app.  Some display as a pop out.  Some display below the ePass on the smart phone.  
  5. Scroll back up to edit Community Name and Logo

Add Fixed Text

You may want to add fixed text in the Secondary, Auxiliary or Back Fields.  For example, the facility hours and open days.  
  1. Choose the Data Type as Fixed
  2. Edit the Field Label
  3. Edit the Fixed Text

ePass Expiration options

If ePasses should never expire, check the ePass Never Expires from Wallet Apps box.  This will keep ePass active in eWallets until deleted.  This expiration is independent of the software, so if a membership expires in the database, the ePass will scan, but show up as expired in the check-in screen.  

If the ePass Never Expires from Wallet Apps box is not checked, when issued, the expiration for your ePass will the same as the membership expiration in the database.  

How to print the current year on an ePass

In the Seconday or Auxiliary Fields, choose Year Printed in the Data Type.  You may type something like "Year Issued" in the Field Label.  

Why is the name cut off in the upper right hand corner?

This upper right hand corner is controlled by Apple and Access Granted Systems can not edit, delete, or control this.
The reason Apple does this is so multiple passes can be added to a wallet and the member can easily flip through multiple passes if they have multiped family members.