How to edit a family or patron

How to edit a family or patron


Individuals and families are managed in the Manage tab.  The Manage screen is split into two.  The left side is the Membership section, where the household’s information is located. On the right side, the Member section has the individual patrons who live in the household.

First find the membership

1.  In the PoolPass database click Member List
2.  Search for the membership
      Searchable fields are: Membership ID, Address, Membership Type, and Name
3.  Double Click on the member to view them in the MANAGE tab

How to edit a membership

You are able to edit the Membership or Member information in this MANAGE screen

4.  To choose a different member, click the next member or the next icon to edit the next member in the membership

Application Portal Tip
To edit the membership from the application portal, click EDIT IN POOLPASS.