How to import multiple lines into the address field

How to import multiple lines into the address field


The membership's address field is a multi-line text field.  This allows clients flexibility when managing membership addresses.  However, this makes importing multiple lines of text more difficult than adding a single line of text.  

Here is how

We recommend manipulating your existing membership list in Excel.  Use the CONCAT function and CHAR(10).  CHAR(10) returns the linefeed character.  Its how Excel knows to add new line.  

Here are a few samples

=CONCAT("11 Sample Street",CHAR(10),"City ","ST ","12345")
=CONCAT("11 Sample Street"," ",CHAR(10),"City"," ","ST"," ","12345")
=CONCAT(A1,CHAR(10),A2," ",A3," ",A4)  - Where A1, A2, A3, & A4 are the cells that contain Address Line 1, City, State, & Zip code.  

Here is how the formula looks in an excel cell.

Here is how the cell looks when saved as a a CSV file.

Here is how the address looks after importing.  

Download Sample file using CONCAT