How to log in

How to log in


This article will help first time users log in and navigate the software.  

Find the "Log In" button
  1. Open the software at:  We recommend bookmarking this website.  
  2. Click Log In and enter your email and password.  If you don't know your password, keep reading below.

Enter your email and password

What if I do not know my password.  

Click Need help signing in? and click Forgot password?
You'll be prompted to enter your email.  Click Reset via Email and follow the instructions on your email.  You must use the email you originally used when accessing the software.  

What if I'm still stuck?     

Contact your community's account administrator. 
Your community's administrator can re-set your password, add/update your email, send a reset email, or send you a welcome email to create your credentials.  

What if I'm the community account administrator and I'm stuck?  

Email your Access Granted Systems account representative or CLICK HERE.   

How to navigate to other areas of Access Granted Systems

Users of the software have access to different areas of the software.  For example, you may be a property manager and need to go to the application portal.  Here is how to go to a different area:
  1. Click the menu icon in the upper right hand corner.  Choose the area you with to go to. 

I don't see the area I'm looking for?      

Contact your community's account administrator. 
Your administrator controls a user's permissions.  You may not have permission.    

What if I am the community's account administrator?  

Email your Access Granted Systems account representative or CLICK HERE.  This area your looking for has been disabled or it is the off-season.    

Download a Microsoft word version of this article for lifeguards and gate attendants.  

You can edit the articles as needed.  For example, you may add instructions to find and set up your computer or device, connect to Wi-Fi, etc.
We recommend that you use this article to train your staff and leave a print out for your substitute lifeguards to read.