How to RESOLVE a support ticket

How to RESOLVE a support ticket


There are 2 ways to resolve a support ticket.  Once resolved, the support ticket's status changes to green "Processed".  

1.  Click RESOLVE.   
2.  Click SYNC WITH POOLPASS.  Then sync the support ticket similarly to how you would process and approve a pool application.  

Why would you sync with PoolPass?
Syncing is an easy and fast way to update a membership or trigger actions.  Here are some examples...
  1. Adding a member of the family
  2. Updating a picture
  3. Correcting a typo in a name or address
  4. Sending a second set of passes.   
Why would you resolve without syncing?
Some support tickets don't need a membership updated or an action triggered.  Here are some examples...
  1. Asking when trash day is.
  2. Providing additional proof of residency.   
  3. Requesting a refund.  
  4. Making a payment.