How to set a cost for Classic Passes

How to set a cost for Classic Passes


Classic Passes are physical passes printed and mailed.  In most cases, mailed directly to the patron.   Clients often ask, "Can the patron pay the cost to print and mail passes?"
Yes.  Here are 3 common setup options.    

Setup Options

  1. Exact Match
    1. This option charges the patron exactly AGS's fees.
  2. Closely Match
    1. This option charges the patron AGS's fees, but rounds it up to the nearest dollar amount. 
  3. Custom Amount

1. Exact Match

When using the exact match option, the patron pays the exact AGS fees.  This option is for communities that can't or don't want to collect even a penny more.  

For example, if there is a family of four, AGS's fees are:
  1. $4 for printing the passes ($1 per pass)
  2. $3 for mailing the passes
  3. 4.9% + $1 per transaction, for payment processing
In this case, the "Exact Match" total will total $8.41
AGS adds the printing and mailing fees then calculates the payment processing fee.  The patron pays the exact total.  

2. Closely Match

When closely matching, the fees the patron pays is rounded up to the nearest dollar.  It makes the math easy to understand and not based on a percentage.  Another way to look at this option, is that the first pass is $6, and each additional pass is $1.

For example, if there is a family of four, AGS's fees are:
  1. $4 for printing the passes ($1 per pass)
  2. $3 for mailing the passes
  3. $2 for processing
In this case, the "closely match" total will be $9.00  

Who gets the extra change?
The community.  The change, amount that was rounded up($0.59), goes into the community's account.  The community will receive a payout when the account is reconciled.     

3. Custom Amount

You may also set a different amount for the patrons' cost.  AGS's printing fee is $1.  But the community can charge whatever they wish.  $5 per pass, $10 per pass, $20 per household, etc.  The custom amount can be whatever you want.  Simply set your fees higher than AGS's fees.  Since your setting your fees higher, the community will receive a payout when the account is reconciled.

How does this effect my account, statement, or invoice? 

With all 3 options, it is the community charging a fee to the member.  Not AGS charging the member directly.  To read more how this effects your account: CLICK HERE