How to setup incrementing barcode numbers

How to setup incrementing barcode numbers

Some communities purchase barcode passes with incrementing barcode numbers.  The box of passes may start with pass number 10001 and the next pass is 10002 and the next 10003, etc.  Here is one way to setup your account to easily distribute those passes.

First Step: Set your preferences
  1. Click Preferences
  2. Click Next Numeric
  3. Set the minimum digits to the number of digits of your barcode number.   

Next Steps: Barcodes can be changed in the MANAGE tab
  1. Manually type in the 1st pass # to your first member
  2. Go to your next member to assign your 2nd pass # to that member
    1. Click SUGGEST
      1. The next suggested pass number should be the next pass in your incrementing box of passes.