Tip: Test your application

Tip: Test your application


When first using AGS, test applications are a great way to understand how the application functions and interacts with your database.  You can practice approving and train your staff.  

How are test applications different from live applications?

  1. Test applications will show in the application list with a red T icon.
  2. Test applications will not trigger pass printing.  (this way you don't get charged for printing tests)
  3. Test applications will not require payment or charge fees. (this way you can submit without payment)
  4. Otherwise, test applications will still function as expected.   Including sending ePasses, changing the database, adding members, updating pictures, etc.
After testing, be sure to manually delete or undo an changes you don't wish to keep.    
You will find the Community settings in the Application Portal.  From the Membership Portal, click the Menu and Manage Applications.  

In the Application Portal...
  1. Click on the Menu
  2. Click on Community
  3. Select the community from the drop down list
  4. Click Test Application.  
  5. The test application will open in a new tab.  Copy the link in the new tab to send to your community