How to view the account portal

How to view the account portal


The account portal is available to account administrators or users that have permission to view the account portal.  If you do not have access to the account portal, please contact your community's account administrator.  

Here is how to view the account portal.  

In the menu, click Manage Account

What can I view in the portal?
  1. Transactions: A journal of...
    1. Payments (when you pay AGS)
    2. Payouts (when AGS pays you)
    3. AGS Charges
    4. Patron Sales
    5. Patron Refunds
    6. Patron Disputed Payments
  2. Statements: A history of statements or invoices
  3. Account: A display of account settings
    1. Community Info
    2. Account Features: Enabled & Disabled
    3. Billing/Invoice Settings
    4. Payout Settings
    5. Patron Refund Settings
    6. Subscriptions
    7. List of AGS Fees
  4. Reports: A interactive display of...
    1. Patron Sales
    2. AGS Fees & Other Charges
    3. Subscriptions
    4. Payments
    5. Payouts
  5. Balances: A visual display of your accounts running balance