How to use Marketplace Settings

How to use Marketplace Settings

The Settings area will allow you to use different features.  In this article, you will learn how to:
  1. Find the Marketplace Settings
  2. Enable Patron Purchasing
  3. Allow Funds to be deposited on Tickets
  4. Set the Minimum Deposit allowed on a Ticket
  5. Enable Tickets
  6. Make your Marketplace site available on the Public List
  7. Change the Reply-to email
Find Marketplace Settings 

  1. Click on the MENU
  2. Click Manage MARKETPLACE
  3. Click on the SETTINGS tab

A) Enable Patron Purchasing
This button shuts your Marketplace buying on or off.  If Enabled, patrons can buy tickets, passes, funds, etc online.  If Disabled, purchasing online will be shut off.  When Disabled, previous tickets are active and can still be redeemed. 

B) Allow Funds to be deposited on Tickets 
Funds are a cash-less system that allows patrons to purchase items on site with a ticket.  First, they go online and put funds on a ticket, then use this ticket's funds to buy items on site.  A common example is a Snack Shack at a pool that sells chips, drinks, and candy.  

C) Setting the Minimum Deposit on Tickets
You may want to set a minimum deposit.  $5 or $20 is typical.   

D) Enable Tickets 
If you enable Tickets, patrons will be given a QR code for their ticket.  They get this when they make the purchase, and get the ticket in an email.  You want to enable tickets if patrons will be needing it to redeem their purchase on site.  If you are only using "Virtual Guest Passes" (that go directly on their PoolPass account), you should leave tickets Disabled. 

E) Make your Marketplace Public
If this button is checked, your Marketplace can be searched in the Patron Portal.  If the button is not checked, patron's must be given a direct link to the Marketplace.  It is also common to email this link, post the link on site with a flyer, and have a link on your Application Portal.  To make a flyer, read this article: click here

F) Reply-to Email
This is the email that patrons can reply back to when the receive a ticket in their email.