What is the vendor portal fee?

What is the vendor portal fee?


Some HOAs and apartment companies require Access Granted Systems to complete a “Vendor Application”, pay a vendor fee, or do not pay invoices via credit card or check.  These communities are invoiced a $40 administration fee plus the cost of any fee Access Granted Systems has to pay.

To keep our software prices low, we feel these admirative costs should not be paid by all clients, only the clients that require additional administrative work.

Submitting a W9 or Certificate of Insurance does not incur this fee.

What triggers the fee?

  1. Clients that require Access Granted Systems to complete a “Vendor Application”.
  2. Clients that require Access Granted Systems to pay a vendor fee.
  3. Clients that require Access Granted Systems to mail a paper copy of the invoice.  
  4. Clients that require custom or special wording on their invoice.   
  5. Clients that require Access Granted Systems to log into a 3rd party software and upload an invoice manually. 
  6. Clients that do not pay Access Granted Systems via credit card or check. Examples include...
    1. Clients that only pay invoices via ACH transfer.  
    2. Clients that only pay invoices via emailing a 1-time use virtual Master Card payments.  
How do I avoid this fee?

Follow the instructions on your invoice.  Clients may pay invoices online with a credit card or by mailing a check.   

As of 10/27/23 only 1.3% of clients pay a vendor fee.  To keep our software prices low, we feel these admirative costs should not be paid by all clients, only the clients that require additional administrative work.