Setting Up Your Season
FAQ: How does my community use and order a box of generic passes
Overview A box of generic passes is a custom product that your AGS Account Representative will help you with. We'll design your passes. We'll print and mail a box of passes to you. You'll distribute the passes to your members as needed. What style of ...
FAQ: What are my classic passes mailing options?
Overview Communities that enable classic passes have three mailing options. Print and mail directly to the members home daily. Print and mail to management daily. Print and mail to management upon request. How do I switch mailing options? New ...
How to add LOGIC to classic PVC physical passes
Overview Clients using our free software plan can add logic to classic PVC physical passes. For example, you may assign Adult passes to adults, Teen passes to teenagers, and Child passes to children. Creating Logic First, go to the pass designer. ...
How to DESIGN your classic PVC physical pass
Overview Classic Passes are your community's PVC physical passes that Access Granted Systems prints and mails. Most Classic Passes are designed with the help of AGS. Ask your Account Representative if you need help. You can also design and edit your ...
How to setup incrementing barcode numbers
Overview Some communities purchase barcode passes with incrementing barcode numbers. The box of passes may start with pass number 10001 and the next pass is 10002 and the next 10003, etc. Here is one way to setup your account to easily distribute ...