FAQ: Can I send a mass email to my members?

FAQ: Can I send a mass email to my members?


No.  Our software does not have a marketing, email, or mass communication feature.  We recommend you use a software specifically designed for sending emails to communicate with your members such as Constant Contact (https://www.constantcontact.com/) or Mail Chimp (https://mailchimp.com/).  

How can I import my member's emails into Constant Contact or Mail Chimp?

Export your members from you database or application portal. Then import them into your preferred 3rd party email marketing software.  

Here is how to export your member list: CLICK HERE
Here is how to export your application portal data: CLICK HERE

I see there are ways to send emails directly in the software.  How does this work?

Yes, there are ways to send emails.  It is designed to send an individual email to a specific person.  Not large groups of people.  For example, when a set of ePasses are sent, an application is approved, or marketplace ticket is purchased. 

I see there is an envelope icon at some places in the software.  How does this work?
The way it works is by opening your computer's default email application.  For example, if you use Microsoft Outlook, it will open an outlook email.  If you use Google, it will open a Gmail email.  Then you will send the email via your email provider, not Access Granted Systems.   For example, if you suspend a membership.  Quickly send the individual an email letting them know the membership is suspended.  This tool is not designed to send a mass email letting your entire community it is time to re-apply for next year's season.