How does my account renew?

How does my account renew?

Accounts do not automatically close.  

Do I have to signup my community every year?

No.  AGS does not require clients to sign up year after year or sign yearly contracts. 
We understand this is not how some HOA communities operate.  Auto-canceling non-pool clients would cause a major disruption in their operation.  Please treat AGS as you would a electric company rather than a landscaping company.  

What if I wish to close my account?

If you do not wish to continue using AGS, then simply stop using the software.  As a courtesy, please email your account representative or and inform us. 

What if I'm not sure I'll renew?

No worries.  Please communicate with your AGS account representative.  We don't expect you to pay an invoice until you are sure your community is using Access Granted Systems again.