FAQ: How do replacement passes work?
If a patron lost or destroyed their classic (physical) passes, the community has a few options to replace their pass. This article only applies to Classic Passes.
If a patron is asking for a new pass, what can I do?
Most communities simply have their patrons apply for a pass the same way they got the first one. When approved, AGS will print and mail an new pass.
What if I don't want the patron to apply again?
You, the staff member, can trigger AGS to print and mail a new pass.
CLICK HERE to read the article about sending classic passes.
Yes. Contact your AGS account representative. There are two options. Both will be custom built for you.
- On the Application: AGS can add an option to trigger a fee for a printed or replacement pass.
- On a Support Ticket: AGS can add an option to sell a replacement pass on a support ticket.