How to EDIT the service

How to EDIT the service


On the Calendars page, you may...
  1. Edit the name, category, or description
  2. Change the color
  3. Change the service owner
  4. Assign resources
  5. Delete the service
On the Services page, you may...
  1. Manage the service's settings.  Days available, hours, fees, etc.  CLICK HERE to read more.  
How to edit the name, category, or description 

1.  Select the resource or service.
2.  Click edit.  
3.  Make the edits and click update.  

Tip: Drag the item to combine or merge categories

1.  Select the resource or service.
2.  Click edit.

More calendar page tips

  1. Assign resources only if needed. 
    1. If you only have one pavilion and you only rent the pavilion one way, simply make one service called "Pavilion Rental".  No need to assign a resource.  
  2. Assign a staff member as a service owner.  They can get email alerts when a service is booked, manage the resource, and more.
  3. Edit the colors to organize your calendar.  
  4. The Manage Button is a shortcut to manage the service's unique settings. CLICK HERE to learn more.