How to MANAGE a service

How to MANAGE a service


On the Services page, you may adjust the settings.
On the Calendars page, you may edit, assign resources, or change the owner.  Please CLICK HERE to read our separate article.      

How to view and edit services 
1.  In the menu, select Services
2.  Select a service to manage
Service Settings 

Availability: Customize the dates which a service is available for booking.
    1. Enable Paton Bookings: Turn ON/OFF the service.
    2. Service Opens After:  Select the date patrons can first make bookings.  Usually the start date of signups.  
    3. First Available Booking: Select the date the first service can be booked.  Usually opening day of the season.
    4. Last Booking Before: Select the date of the last serve.  Usually the last day of the season.  
    5. Requires Membership: When checked, members must enter their Membership ID or barcode.  Memberships can not be expired or suspended.    
Hours of Operations: Customize the times which a service is available for booking.

Booking Slot Times & Scheduling: Customize how the service interacts with your calendar.   
    1. Slot Interval:  Customize if you want your patrons to select a time range or time button.  
      1. Ranges can be 5, 10, 15, or 20 minute intervals.
      2. Buttons can be in 30, 45, 60, 90 minute or 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24 hour intervals.    
    2. Align Slots (time buttons only): Align your buttons to start on the hour, half hour or quarter hour.  
    3. Allow Overlapping Bookings: Use this in conjunction with Requires Available Resources.  
      1. For example:
        1. You have 5 tennis courts (resources).  
        2. You can create 1 service called: Reserve Tennis Court
          1. Your members can reserve any of the 5 tennis courts.  As long as there are available courts, the service can be booked.  If all 5 courts are in use, the service can no longer be booked.    
    4. Max Intervals: The maximum number of intervals that can be selected in a single booking.  Use this to limit the time a patron can book while using short time ranges.  Usually, set this to 1.  
    5. Post Booking Buffer: This shortens the booking time by X minutes.  Use this to allow time for cleanup or to get ready in-between bookings.    
      1. For example: 
        1. A service with a 2 hour intervals has availability at 1pm, 3pm, 5pm, 7pm, etc.  And has a "Post Booking Buffer" of 10 minutes.   
        2. When a 3pm booking occurs...
          1. The booking is 3pm to 4:50pm.  The patron knows the service ends at 4:50pm.  This allows the service owner 10 minutes to get ready for the next booking.  
          2. The 1pm, 5pm, 7pm slots are still available for others to book.   
    6. Lead Time: To avoid last minute bookings, choose how much notice is required when a service is booked.  
    1. Require available resource:  The service must have at least one available resource to be booked.  
    2. Allow Patron to Select Resource
Fees: Services can be free or require payment at the time of booking.
    1. Cost per Increment: Use this if you charge a set fee for the booking. 
    2. Cost per Patron: Use this if you charge a fee per person.  The bookie will be asked to add the number of patrons to the booking. 
      1. Max Patrons per Booking: Limits the number of patrons per booking. 
    3. Add Optional Cost Item:  Add the optional items to the bookie's checkout screen.  
    4. Service Fee:  Add % or fixed service fee. 
    5. Add Matching AGS Service Fee:  Add an additional service fee that matches AGS's payment processing fee. 
Changes by Patron
    1. Allow Cancelation: A cancelation link is added to the bookies confirmation emails and calendar invite.  
    2. Allow Rescheduling: A reschedule link is added to the bookies confirmation emails and calendar invite.  
      1. Auto Refund Fee on Cancelation: Automatically issues a refund if the booking is canceled by the bookie or service owner.  
      2. Minimum Time to Modify:  To avoid last minute cancellations or rescheduling, add a how much notice is required.    
    3. Email Service Owner: Receive an email when a new booking occurs, rescheduled, or canceled.  
  1. Patron Instructions and Terms & Conditions:  Write instructions here.  Bookies must agree to these terms & conditions.  They are displayed at the time of booking and sent in patron confirmation emails. 
Tip: Use the MANAGE shortcut on the calendar's page.  

1.  Select the service
2.  Click MANAGE