How to Find a Marketplace Ticket or Transaction

How to Find a Marketplace Ticket or Transaction


This article is for community administrators who have questions about a Marketplace ticket or transaction, so you can find its details or perform actions. 

Go to the Manage Marketplace area
From the Membership Portal:
  1. Go to the Menu
  2. Click Manage Marketplace

In the Marketplace
  1. Click on the TICKETS tab
  2. Enter a name or email in the Search box
  3. Click the ticket you are looking for.

At this point, you can see and do many things.  On this screen:
  1. Click Email to send details of this ticket to the member
  2. Switch to the Transaction tab for this ticket
  3. Print a copy of this ticket, either to a paper print or a PDF
  4. Add funds to this ticket
  5. View the name and email of the ticket holder, and edit as needed
  6. View the funds and/or products on the ticket

Please see the other articles for other tasks you might want to take for this ticket: