How to SEARCH for an application

How to SEARCH for an application


There are several ways to find an application you are looking for.  You will search for applications differently depending on your goals.  
In this article, we will:
  1. Summarize the 4 ways to search Application
  2. Discuss the Advanced Search in more detail
  3. Provide a few tips
4 ways to search Applications
  1. Click READY FOR PROCESSING to process newly submitted or untouched applications.  
  2. Click HELD/DECLINED to follow up on the ON HOLD and DECLINED applications. 
  3. Click ADVANCED SEARCH to find a single application and provide patron support.
    1. Enter the email, name, street number, etc. into the patron data field.      
  4. Find by ID
    1. If the applicant forwarded you their confirmation email, it will contain the Application ID
    2. Paste the ID into the field and press enter

The Advanced Search will help find a specific application you are looking for.

First, click the arrow next to ADVANCED SEARCH to make the option appear.  Then, you have several fields to help you search.
  1. Time Range (preset)
    1. Choose from a pre-set list of time ranges
  2. Time Range (custom range)
    1. Specify your custom dates
  3. Community
    1. If you manage multiple communities, you can isolate one with the drop down arrow
  4. Patron data
    1. Searches the email field and any text entered by the applicant (name, address, etc)
  5. Journal Data
    1. Searches Journal text
    2. CLICK HERE for more information about the Journal feature.  
  6. States
    1. Isolates certain application states
    2. For example, if you want to search through all applications "On Hold"
  7. Other filter types
    1. Only Escalated filters for applications that have been escalated for AGS support
    2. Only Applications and Only Support Requests can be filtered as well


  1. After changing the Advanced Search options a few times, it is recommended to refresh the browser, so the background search history resets
  2. Use the email address the applicant used in the Patron Data field
  3. Use a partial mailing address if the full one doesn't work.  For example, instead of "123 Sunset Boulevard", use "123 Sunset".  The applicant may have used "Blvd".
  4. Applicant may have mistyped or misspelled anything.  Use partial names, emails or another item.  
  5. Ask for the Application ID from the confirmation email
  6. Try searching a previous year by clicking ANY for the time range.