FAQ: Can I sell Nanny Passes or Seasonal Guest Passes?
Nanny Passes and Season Long Guest Passes are two examples of customized Limited Passes that can be sold. This same idea applies to other similar passes (caregiver, grandparent, etc.)
The selling limited passes is custom feature that your AGS Account Representative will help you set up. Contact AGS for help with these features.
To learn more about how Limited Passes work,
CLICK HERE.What are the options to sell Nanny or Seasonal Guest Passes
You can sell these passes on the application or support ticket form.
Here is an example of what it will look like to add this option to an application or support ticket.
When approved, the pass will be automatically added to the membership.
Can these pass be customized.
Yes. Here are some examples...
- Custom Label (name of the pass)
- Limit quantity that can be purchased
- Vary price
- Add logic so only specific membership types are allowed to purchase (i.e only families can by Nanny Passes)