How to upload an existing address or membership list
Some communities that utilize the application portal, import an existing address list or membership list at the start of a season. In this article, we will:
- Discuss advantages and explain why some communities choose to do this.
- Discuss disadvantages and explain why most communities do not.
- Give some cautions about this process.
- Provide tips to upload an existing list.
Contact your AGS representative if you have any questions. We're happy to help, make recommendations, and provide guidance.
Here are some examples where importing a list is helpful:
- You're a swim club or membership club and wish to keep some pre-existing data. Membership IDs, suspended accounts, expiration dates, etc.
- You charge a different fee for new members than existing members. Upload your existing members that do not have to pay the initiation fee or are already bond holders.
- You're a master HOA and unfamiliar with the address list of the community. Upload a pre-approved address list for easier processing and approval.
- You elect Full-Service and AGS is processing your applications. Uploading a pre-existing list may help AGS correctly approve or deny applications.
The main reason for importing a list, is that it allows you to match and UPDATE an existing membership rather than starting from scratch. Instead of (1) Create New Membership, you will (2) Match an existing membership.
Matching an address is an extra step that is not needed for some clients. If it is not needed, it is quicker and easier to create a new membership.
Cautions about importing a list
Importing is usually only done once as a new community or once in the pre-season.
- Please read our separate "How To" article. CLICK HERE (opens in new tab)
- Use the MEMBERSHIP_ID (column A) to transfer the field that identifies the household or family.
- Use the BARCODE (column D) to transfer the field that identifies the patron. Patron number, pass number, RFID tag, etc. Leave blank if you don't currently use anything.
- Use NOTES (column J) to transfer miscellaneous household notes.
- Use MEMBER_NOTES (column N) to transfer miscellaneous patron notes.
- If you're only uploading an address list (no names), use...
- Last Name: Member
- First Name: Placeholder
- DOB: 1/1/1900
- Schedule a free support session with your AGS account representative. We're happy to help and make recommendations to ensure your success.