Applicants receive automated updates informing them of their application status. There are up to six possible notifications.
- Application is successfully submitted.
- Application is processed, and membership is active.
- Application is processed, but account is suspended.
- Application is processed, but account is expired.
- Application is on hold.
- Application is declined.
Here is what the email looks like.
The email is divided into four (4) sections.
1 of 6 update messages will appear in the first paragraph.
Thank you for submitting an Application for {Facility Name}. We will email you when your Application has been reviewed.
Congratulations, your Application for {Facility Name} has been approved and your Membership is now active.
Your Application for {Facility Name} has been processed but your Membership is currently suspended. Please contact your community to resolve this issue.
Your Application for {Facility Name} has been processed but your Membership is currently expired. Please contact your community to resolve this issue.
We received your Application for {Facility Name} . Your Application is currently on hold.
We received your Application for {Facility Name} but your Application has not been processed. Please contact your community to resolve this issue.
Section 2: Your Custom Message
Your custom message you type into the messaging window appears here.
Note: The submitted email does not have a custom message (section 2).
If your community utilizes AGS's support system, instructions to open a support ticket appear here.
Section 4: Application ID
The applicant's submission ID is the final line of the notification. This helps locate the original application if needed.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I turn off support tickets?
Yes. Let your account representative know to disable support tickets.
Do you have to write a custom message?
No. Most clients simply leave this blank.
Do I have to send an email notification?
Yes for a newly submitted applications. This is the applicant's confirmation email that they have successfully submitted the application.
No for all others. Simply uncheck the Send "Email to Applicant" box. (see section 2)
Can I customize the default message? (section 1)
Yes. Let your account representative know what text to place into which default message.